【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】170 (Sanqu Special issue)

编辑:管理员日期:2024-03-03 10:56:06浏览次数:3212


It is another year to the Spring Festival, thousands of families are reunited。In the thick atmosphere of national celebration, the vast number of poets of the Changde Poetry Society have great poetry enthusiasm, affectionately reviewed the hardships and achievements of the past struggle, and excitedly imagined the happiness and beauty of the future;Here, "LAN Zhiqing Yin" micro magazine collected a group of poetic friends of the fine sanqu works, published,以飨读者。





岁杪亲人寒舍还,团圆。餐室间,肴香酒醇情感儿缠绵。Jade cup Yang, laughter, happy events full of happiness。






贺岁华,故里新年添锦花。Gongs and drums noise, couplets hanging high, magpie leap dragon Teng around 10000。映流霞、竹爆奇葩。Round the furnace wine warm poet kua, fragrance slurry halogen relatives and friends, year old keep drunk horizon。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Danzhou Spring Festival


Danzhou way far to the New Year, tide noise, scenery night fresh。海边礼花辉震天。聚小欢,置醴泉,闲情思浩然。






Ten thousand households red union auspicious, Linlang, Ruixue Yang, chicken dolphin fruit and vegetable New Year flavor。共举觞,祝泰康,盎然春意长。







跪拜低,点烛燃香垂泪凄。Smoke like sad clouds, acacia sleeve, outside the sad wind shaking bamboo fence。The old door is cold, the old cabinet Luo clothes, the heart cracks when I open it。去年欢喜红包记,今日却分离。






Snow in the early spring into space, (see) ice, (temperature below zero) into the winter。Lamei Rui is concentrated, moistening, meaning has been through, flying flowers, abundant。






Thousands of miles for the New Year, (bye) Chun Xuan, (a) buy couplets, (and) large boxes of fructose and seafood。Two weeks, a few days, an empty nest!







Ninety spring and autumn years more, (auspicious) Gate, (east) purple qi。Children and grandchildren filled the hall hundred blessings, firecrackers, toast, cup and cup as appropriate。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Spring Jingzhou ancient search


The end of the hunting banner tree, staring eyes, ten Zhangs, six dynasties imperial remains。Hanshui you, Chudi cattle, New Year (seeking ancient) travel together。

Beautiful sky into a hope to close, Jingzhou, Zhuangyou exhibition, blue brick book many things autumn。The Three Kingdoms struggle, the Han family conspires, and the gentle wind pays the painting。


聂  俊




鼓乐鸣,阵阵儿郞喧笑声。Soughing Yingzi, Huangangyu, skill male Jieyun step light。Make a good year, dragon leap flying, fireworks all over the sky auspicious Ying。风调雨顺苍黎庆,九域共升平。





家家送灶神,不畏春寒紧。焚香诚祭拜,努力献真忱。福气盈门,盼望财源顺。红梅竞报春。Set off firecrackers to greet Dongjun, farewell to the old year winter。






Year after year, reunion, looking forward to the New Year, (wish) peace Jin Xuan。Rice wine, cured meat, (hope family reunion) golden bottle (on) feast。










【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Send granddaughter to school registration

(Winter sun) trees dyed red, BMW Benz road heavy。Winter vacation, parents iron drive, send young to country row dragon。In front of the school gate, Xiaying lanterns, the classroom lunch break room is like a palace。当今黉舍堪同梦,盛世福如虹。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Hometown city site New Year


笑语哗,故里除夕守岁茶。Firecrackers sound, red envelope high base, door wrapped dragon fire thousands。Meat flow fragrant, oil bowl fish clip, round the furnace wine warm children boast。千杯厌少亲情话,索望月乡芽。







The willow Lake waves, ten thousand lamps like fire, the bounty dragon dances, singing with the snow。Hao Hao Yinhe, difficult to lock the magpie bridge, deep edge can be helpless?How to distinguish, heaven and earth!Dream place, lotus flowers。










【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Changde Jia Chen spring snow


漫天雪片纷,遍地银毡织。令公交骤歇,或压塌棚篱。Joy as a child, open war "ball" crazy throw, pile "people" all the strange。Decades, difficult to meet this time, pray Fengrui, Chang Yin Jubilee。






The snow has fallen nine moats, the door opens, the cold air comes。眼前路滑容易摔。躲冻灾,家里呆,围炉玩小牌。






Ten thousand households light bright all night, with joy, xiao drum noise, dragon dance Xiangrui Tim。Spring, people full moon, the peace of China year。

陈  丽





Happy day over the New Year, reunion, wish mian。Round the furnace bridesmaids mahjong play, laugh loudly, like honey sweet, (expect) mom Wan 'an every year。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Dragging umbrellas on the sea


降落伞,绳系飞舟凭引牵。Old weng, Kunpeng spread wings, hit the sky to explore the deep。慰平生、惊险追欢。常嫌此生腾跃难。今朝悟借长风力,一举可冲天。






网送欢歌旧岁除。(一家团圆又)如初,热闹余。明星送年才艺殊。Festival night, music freely;(to invite his wife) see Li Shu every year。






晓月沉,雪映除夕红屑痕。灶火桌旁,娘亲身影。The sleeping girl was hard to separate, carrying her bags and shuttling around, and sobbing sounded at the door。道声辛苦同加劲,执手约明春。






欢度新春购物忙。(goods) beautiful, (invite wife) to the market, fresh vegetable and meat pile vegetable basket。年货齐,喜未央,时雍人寿康。







清波映日晖,柳叶湖边醉。芳坪铺厚毯。户外野营炊,换盏推杯。犹借开新岁,承家风立规。A total of songs, entertainment, mutual congratulations, good luck to the United States。






辰龙舞袖挥,春晚歌声脆。儿孙围绕笑,喜气满门楣。家宴鲜肥,水果尤开胃。团年齐举杯。Dang Enlong, worry-free livelihood, public opinion, physical and mental fitness。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Watch the Spring Festival Gala


灯花迭岁更,歌舞良辰庆。群星齐献艺,盛景映心屏。Laughter sound, sitting around the spring breeze, poetry Fu world peace。Happy qi Yang, koi graceful, too white waves, dragon Cheng Cheng。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Yuanxiao willow leaf view lamp


Fireworks lights flicker, halos, reflections shine。(Spectacular) Dragons sing and phoenix sing in the sky!Children and old fans, laughing and happy!The year of the dragon and the year of the rabbit!






The snow is falling, the road is blocked, the ice is blocked, the ice is melting。A man leads multiple from, (look at that) shovel flying, (let him) the northwest wind, (how much) the hero opens the way。






Words sound between spring rain, (destroy) heart, ye step hard, door open double tears Shan。Meet difficult, don't also difficult, wait for sun autumn return。







欢欣春又归,辞旧迎新岁。荧屏纷异彩,围坐喜相窥。The most button heart, koi turn red drunk, flowing light to fly。All coquettish, bright tonight, just the feast, the environment and the beauty。






沅江连洞庭,雨细烟波盛。孤峰窥善卷,落日武陵猩。Snow removal, volunteer orders, all to the street level。Adversity together to eliminate the disaster, great service Wei de into Huanbing。






The New Year of the dragon journey, out, wind and rain, strive for excellence。萦系民,重众生,改开催复兴。






The car is racing, howling, and the mirror is floating。Every effort has been made to stir up the demons and monsters, and they have set up measures to obstruct the demons and monsters。





Traffic police pick up stranded on the road to return home for the New Year


九州雪漫天,千里迢迢远。回乡真赤子,被困路途间。交警魂牵,连夜奔前线。Deicing shovel snow, fighting natural disasters, to overcome the difficulties。亲人聚、安全过年。






Snow dance sky covered mountains, Tong huan, play crazy, every year for the chimney smoke。酒肉丰,焰火延,端杯祈福绵。






Warm wind and rising temperature, spring, migratory birds sing, camellia Zhanyan sang Zi heart。牛下田,种撒匀,眼中仓满金。






龙腾鸿运开,炮响云天外。神州呈锦绣,黎庶乐幽怀。璀璨山宅,大地听仙籁。诗翁雅韵裁。Congratulate the New Year, push the cup, parallel Zhen Fu, roll Shu Shan。






国运昌,灯火银花明画堂。Happy home dinner, pushing the cup for a cup, laughter flying off the wall。Force cattle ploughing, the fields are busy, and the sound of children learning books is Chang Yang。一年之计春芳酿,品燕舞花香。





During the tiger moon, the old man raised his whip and ploughed the field, and he was afraid of the cold day。龙春来早,汗水淋淋湿布衫。地翻身,土沃肥添。辛劳苦酸无怨言。一年之计春头看,圆梦谱新篇。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 In addition to ice and snow celebration




陈  刚




祭祖先,鞭炮声声恭贺年。笑语连连,内心暖暖。喜地欢天情意绵。 Celebrate reunion, happiness and longevity, full of glass and smile。眉梢喜上全家愿,幸福绕身边。






年时花艳春,喜遇微波信。龙年鸿运走,瑞气启千门。Ritual relatives, Wan dream gong into near, tea plum fragrance gas。Auspicious property forever Fang flow, household an Guoqiang Ronglu stable。






年丰门户欢,醉里精神壮。铺红舒烂漫,研墨沁芳香。The pen is also careless, the sentence makes the spring breeze prosperous, the word pray for the country。The lower united song Zhishi heart male, the upper united song Hao day lang。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Spring Festival work away from home


回来才数天,又至归程算。双亲无力语,子女泪长涟。From the bitter don't difficult, yesterday happy sound can, today the road difficult。Whistle, like smoke, look forward to next year, the whole family again round。






爆竹喧,送兔迎龙恭贺年。Happy language thousands, laughter spread far, Phoenix dance dragon Teng lively day。Hang couplets, blessing to the door, Xuan altar to send money all happy。全家老少银钞赚,守岁夜无眠。







把水烧,小弟帮娘来洗脚。Steaming, warm heart, four generations are happy to pottery。享天伦、福寿年高。春和九州歌舜尧。传承善德先行孝,快乐在今宵。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 The taste of Aunt's New Year


新茶清气香,煮术随心畅。开樽连四海,纳善友三方。Galloping horses flying, stories rippling with the wind, farmers long。Into the kitchen enjoy food, into the tea house ya blowing mist cool。







稀奇天气狂,偶夜辉穹镜。同台欢乐骄,风霰雨雷盟。Electricity around the pearl teng, ten thousand cranes exclaim, a thousand warblers fear singing。Big silver screen prominent mountains and rivers, Xingsheng dream to add cake。





Summer to the cold for another year, love, together happy, three relatives six friends around the table。陈酿酣,荤素鲜,龙腾尧舜天。






Prosperous time to enjoy the common prosperity, new farmers, village road, visit relatives to do the New Year round。炉火红,春酒充,三餐鱼肉丰。






Remove dirt and dust paste couplets, welcome the year, the hospital noisy, Zuxun toast to good words。发岁钱,猜酒拳,礼花年夜展。






The wanderer returned home in the snow, hazy, long impassable, endure hunger and cold will go crazy。天下人,义务工,爱心传路中。






Firetree honeysuckle all night, New Year, play color smoke, push the cup for a round。收岁钱,鞭炮燃,酌酒情世牵。






The four seas rising Yao and Shun days, happy, gongs and drums noisy, playing dragon and lion dance smile。道路宽,风景妍,更加鞭向前。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 The blizzard of the end of the year


正暮冬,冷地冰天雰雾濛。Road ling feng, silver wrapped trees, dream broken fright thunder ridge。Attack the cold wind Rui leaves in the air, proud Mei alone Yan was Lirong。迎春日出融凝冻,岸柳嫩芽萌。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Jia Chen spring outing snow to enjoy the plum

Snow flies back home, Ya-ya, invite us, brook plate bridge people tread。闻暗香,看玉花,咏春梅六葩。






Spring whip blue waves, clouds, cranes are not idle, several black smoke up the mountain。看老农,尽笑颜。铁牛坡上赶。






The bright moon hangs a round of willow, tonight, happy tide, view lights to enjoy the flower puzzle word knock。杂耍精,技艺高,月圆花更好。

黄  岚




岁末晚,老少围炉白话闪。The Middle East, the homeland, and the granaries are full every year。Hui agriculture, ten thousand strive to be the first, powerful and rich people policy。欢声笑语将春唤,描绘俺家园。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 My New Year dinner party


Girl head sky net ordering, frequency, the final order, Liucheng Cuiyuan spring Xuan。廿几人,一大圈,满桌开笑颜。








腊月间,冰冻连绵接大年。The market shed collapsed, vendors are trapped, and the Party and government care about public opinion。Heavy safety, decisive shutdown, emergency command platoon disaster。临时集市随心愿,万众尽开颜。






BMW fragrant car chi Wanshan, piety, fresh gifts, three aunts six happy to meet。腊肉香,美酒添,举杯康乐年。






盛世年,盛世情怀诗百篇。Huaxia Qi Hui, the whole family is happy, a total of gold cup joy。Have children and grandchildren, enjoy the year, when the old age is thousands of love。金龙玉兔皆华灿,春晚舞翩跹。






万家火树明,千里烟花震。农家迎客亲,围坐大家人。共话艰辛,预测来年运。Reward nurture, respect red envelopes, parents Jun An, filial piety, children and grandchildren smart。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 New Year's Eve reunion dinner


龙腾送免年,处处阳光灿。佳肴香味美,美酒醉神仙。Lively, in addition to the reunion dinner, Sheng drink is still drinking。Celebrate the Spring Festival, after the beginning of the future, open a new bureau, grand plans。






冷气流,七九寒春正月头。Midnight thunder dragon, high clouds, ice floating for a long time。伴诗魂、梦坠神州。Mountain wilderness wear beautiful fur, river Daze show beautiful。浮想总悠悠。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Spring Festival view Anfu night view


新春别样天,火树银花灿。Scattered beauty, fireworks, dragon jump clouds, music accompanied, peace flourishing year。The city that never sleeps, the beauty in the world, intoxicating eyes, the city exhibition。






Blizzard follow freezing rain fly, ice attack, no roadbed, people and cars trapped way home。Volunteer, swing the shovel and roll the icebreaker。



[Huang Zhong Wen Rujin] In the first month is the Spring Festival


艳阳天,清风春水南来燕。千村摆宴,万户爆鞭。Fu word bright, hanging lights, on the child paste, plum fragrance powder。歌沸元宵,龙腾庙观。Tucu stuffed snow, rice cake waxy, fragrant through Nanshan。喜良缘,红娘花轿,细娃偷看。The most is Tianjia spring is not idle, Ma Ling flower, new silkworm cocoon。Repair water conservancy, qiangplow tip, wheat sowing, winter seedling tube。东风吹锦,晴云拂甸。Rural tourists weave, live goods, supermarket people happy。Zhen agricultural article, ten thousand horses destroy spring, Kyushu farming!




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Deicing to welcome the New Year


Heavy snow and ice are difficult to walk, the end of the year, melancholy, and difficult to travel by freezing ice。齐动员,铲雪山,全民排路险。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 New Year's Eve in my home


喜贴新贺联,禁放烟花爆。席陈鱼肉鸡,身换紫衣袍。诗句妖娆。歌舞添欢笑,儿孙献寿桃。Test puzzles, teach family tradition, send red envelopes, the whole family respects the old。












武汉儿孙早订单。On the third day, reunion, New Year greetings to each other。几十人,围大圈,举觞夸舜天。






江城别样天,火树银光灿。小区音乐响,舞袖竟成仙。花炮声繁,丽蕊空中绽。Riddles and answers, the lion leaps into the air, the dragon leaps into the clouds。元宵乐、璟园画展。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 The best Spring Festival








过大年,守岁酣通宵不眠。Happy reunion, watch the Spring Festival Gala, see Kyushu spring scenery。Send red envelopes, happy, a family warm honey sweet。享安乐品糖茶蛋,人醉满堂欢。







Aerial ladders fly, rods cross the sky, locomotives turn, electric wires dance。The streets are covered with yellow shirts, the trees are full of flowers, and the streets are burning。Build fence, mirage spot stop, engraving plate, water long way。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Spring Festival wechat New Year


Midnight bell just beeped, jubilation, wechat xing, New Year greetings and spring love。点镜屏,选视频,龙年祥瑞生。





火树饶,今夜无眠龙气豪。Lovers play flute, chase the moon on stilts, temple bells rush to the ninth heaven。Enjoy the lanterns, horse long robe, fresh air floating in the bowl of dumplings。欢歌踏舞多喧闹,观盛世新潮。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Ox car river Township Spring Festival


The Year of the Dragon is full of happiness, kiss, talk and laugh, chicken fish and shrimp dinner。举酒杯,话寨容,家家楼宇宏。





Watch "2024 Spring Festival Reunion" on screen


Share the new clean government meal, the end of the year, show a smile, a teacher class in Beijing。Empty will feast, hidden landscape, (true) is the scenery dazzling!




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Happy 2024 Spring Festival


冻雪融,和煦阳光辉耀穹。Hang lanterns and paste them together to celebrate the Year of the Dragon。备醇醪、荤菜蒸烹。The guest came to the living room to talk about smile, to raise the common people dream, praise Sheng world food abundance。






Cottage time rabbit year ying, dragon more, make boiling, blissful smoke flame sky rise。国太平,百业兴,民心朝北京。








李  勇




The first push window to meet Xu Yang, (warm) atrium, (New Year's greetings) especially busy。亲朋竞来挤客堂。(Smiling) Qi Ju, (mutual blessing of the year of the dragon) grain full warehouse, (mutual blessing) the year of the dragon money bulging。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 A Chen year Spring Festival


农家春意浓,小院勤清扫。风光无限好。腊肉酒香飘,提笔挥毫。殿柱灯笼照,三姑多艳娇。Boiled dumplings, blessing sound, drunk I, big brother sister-in-law。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Stick spring couplets during the Spring Festival


诗吟锦绣篇,墨写心头愿。鸟鸣春事近,灯火耀新年。Qihutian, (red) Fu word in the middle of the xuan, (glutinous sticky) paste sticky couplets。Happy, Hui can gate, happy, dragon Feifeng exhibition。






过年返故乡,进屋闻香味。围炉尝酒肉,望母悦心眉。Mutton pig trotters, chicken and duck full plate Qi, mash cup Jing Zuxi。I like this year, earn silver every month, hope to work, (such as) branches。





精修小瓦房,巧种风景树。家居设备全,安卧静养舒。Good dream storage, festive spring crossing, sad four seasons without。Respect ancestors, firecrackers sound, open a family banquet, laughter。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Spring dragon Lantern dance


Shining Huanglongying Haotian, the New Year, gongs and drums, sunshine bright dragon dance spin。彩影翩,灯烨翾。迓春欢语联。







洞庭水畔楼,天下巴陵景。步行穿只影,灯闪亮双睛。The wind moved incense rayon, the port fireworks celebration, the snake Houyi sign。Kongming light, night stars, reflecting each other, the sky is high。






Bright fireworks, Longyan, stick couplets, fish and shrimp meat full dinner。客笑绵,童话喧。举醪欢庆年。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 The wanderer returned home to feel the New Year


灯笼连月明,火树同星莹。高楼拔地起,沥路小车争。Old town new town, lane city Shang Longxing, famous building color screen。雁鸿归,不思出征。为故乡,赤心愿顷。







At night rain flying cold condensate, listen, light footsteps, snowflakes and floating a layer。Round drop hands surplus, bright eyes bright, happy to enjoy the beautiful scenery。






Mei Ying thin inclined full ridge red, meet, white catkin, cold wind sent fragrance。(Bijiangbo) meet the roof, (willow branches) drunk eyes, flowers add years of abundance。






Prodigal son homesick, heart, happy ocean。彩灯高悬炉耀堂。叹飘零祝福康,话平安举满觞。红包孩影嚷。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 New Year's Eve memories of frontier defense


报礼春回响未央。Busy year, back home, relatives gather together to celebrate young。乐吟华夏百祥。忆边防守海疆,为人民敬仰。






龙年美事芳,瑞雪迎春旺。礼花飘盛世,联对送吉祥。Full of happiness atrium, filial son drive waves, reunion to the four corners。Xie Zuen, bless children and grandchildren, the country xing, all countries respect。

鲜鱼腊肉香,树鹊欢声荡。姑爷初拜门,小女喜洋洋。Respect ZhangZhongtang, comfort mother kitchen table, table atmosphere Zhang。Uncle nod, congratulations, aunt show eyebrows, dark will son-in-law。



【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Seen on the eighth day of the first month


Qiongxu have under the open platform, (a day) disaster, (silver palace) steel structure destruction, feelings with the scene eyes daze。父筑围,我做陪。葡萄(园里)新梦裁。


林  英


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Spring Festival flower show


Sea view pearl lake flowers, fragrant, hundred red, amorous feelings every day Rong, Jiao color with, several years of work, suddenly screen painting。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 The eighth day of the first month


Celebrate the New Year walk township, hometown, shadow light pond, grass Yin house next to Fenjiu Fang。菜羹香,共举觞,团圆情意长。






Boiling odori city and country warm melt, (year after year) spring thick。(China) a bundle of joy, singing and laughing momentum。Neon lights shine blue dome, couplets full of room red, people Mei Fu heel。






The fire welcomes the New Year and the old year apart, around the furnace, the mind is comfortable, and the hall is full of laughter floating outhouse。情已抒,计又出,安排亲拿主。






迎新天放晴,辞旧梅香竞。Tailoring new pattern, (Jin) Feng Zhuyu long Teng。Calligraphy and ink Danqing, with a focus on the new scenery, the branches of the birds singing。Like the wind and water clean wave clear, see the sun, song and dance strength。






Heavy snow has been added auspicious, although cold, ten thousand households happy, welcome the visitors home for the New Year。Frozen days, the road is difficult, dry group to remove obstacles (in front) along。


李  智




Willow green peach bright day, flowers fresh, heart relief, life recovery destroy dream sleep。不再闲,新写篇。辰龙迎稔年。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 红梅赞


小园墙角西,雪厚冰凌厉。花开香故土,笑靥立冰篱。雪压风撕,抵挡谁能替。知春日可期。Bitter struggle for spring, rather fall, may the earth, spring miles!






North to south to the avenue, (self-cheng) market, shout (sound) Yang。Shanzhen seafood marinade fragrance, goods sales, laugh silly business, drunk Shaker lang。



【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Children and grandchildren go home for the Spring Festival


龙年大雪扬,百姓心花放。儿孙回故乡,万里遇冰僵。急了爹娘,时刻门前望。平安回老庄。Celebrate reunion, wine lamb, the whole family happy, toast to sing Shuang。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Guard year to border soldiers


It is the New Year's Eve to guard the year, the border, any in the shoulder, peace pro wechat united。山寨前,戈壁滩,节间同苦甜。







紫缘桥畔东,古建民房众。千家生意火,万户彩灯红。Heavy joy, the sun is shining, the spring is rich。Look at the sky flame dance flowers fly, looking forward to business travelers to rich。




【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 春节


Send rabbit with dragon farewell to the old year, lightly, celebrate reunion。家家迎岁蒸饺鲜。尧舜天,笑语传,万民歌圣贤。






Firecrackers lantern Shousui Hua, fireworks, Zhancai Xia, (have) chicken duck fish tobacco wine tea。(See Jiangshan) Splendid Jia, (view Spring Festival Gala) concealer, spring to Hongyun home。


郝  峻




一幅门联广纳财,(迎)春来。往访开,亲人笑言皆畅怀。(Full) table chicken fish duck wine (smoke tea sheng) zai, (jumping) jumping groups of knock (head) children, (cheering) firecrackers (fireworks) was put colorful。






夕夜呈,置换年光惊艳横。Snow reflected south branches, light ling Beidou, four seas three rivers dragon began to teng。Fireworks, firecrackers frequently, the jade emperor should be surprised。收官兔岁黎民庆,意欲共春声。


Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
Copyright Changde Poetry Society of Hunan. All rights reserved

